Living Yoga | February 2016
Love isn't something you find.
Love is something that finds you.
Keep your heart open, for love is a great mystery and all
you can do is accept it fully when it comesinto your life.
Let love fill you to overflowing, then reach out and give it away.
This is why we are here!
Do all things with love.
A happy, healthy life is rooted in self-love.
Begin each day with one small act of kindness or gentleness toward yourself.
Choose thoughts that bring love into your life.
Laugh a lot and say "yes" to life and the magic it brings.
Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.
"What we give out, we get back".
Love is the strongest of all forces and a catalyst for manifesting positive change in the world.
Smile at everyone ... Listen more than talk
Give hugs generously ... Help a total stranger
Each time we give love we have a wonderful opportunity to raise not only another person's spirit, we create positive vibrations around the entire world!